Reading and Writing Skills ESOL II (ENG098)


Prerequisite Courses

Course Description

This is a moderate-intermediate course designed to improve the communication skills of students who speak English as a Second or Other Language and to assist students with their reading, writing and vocabulary skills in English. Reading assignments focus on fluent reading by training in faster reading, close understanding by training in intensive reading assignments, grammar instruction and collaborative in-class discussions and exercises that foster academic, practical and cultural language acquisition. This course does not fulfill the English requirement for the certificate or degree and cannot be used as an elective.

3 Credits
Prerequisite: Placement into this course is based on successful (C or higher) completion of ENG097 or initial layered intake and assessment. In addition, progression into ENG 101 is determined by the attainment of the grade of “C” or higher

Course Section Description

This is a 15 week Hybrid course - this course requires students to attend live online weekly course meetings via Microsoft Teams on a scheduled day and time. Students will also complete weekly activities using Brightspace ( Students can access Brightspace for course information on the first day of the session. Students need a laptop or computer, with webcam, beginning on Day 1 of the course. Students must attend at least one class or post attendance prior to the drop deadline to remain enrolled.