Early Childhood Curriculum (ECE107)


Prerequisite Courses

Course Description

This course focuses on developmentally appropriate curriculum to meet the individual needs of children. Students will research current curriculum materials and curriculum development trends. Lesson plans, instructional units, and learning centers will be designed by students.

Prerequisite: ECE 104
Please note: students must earn a grade of C or higher in ECE107 to enroll in ECE classes that require ECE107 as a prerequisite. ECE Core Competencies 5, 7

Course Section Description

Contract Course: Early Education and Care. Starts 9-4-2023 ends 10-24-2023. This is an 8-week Hybrid course with asynchronous work via Brightspace and one online face-to-face meeting per week on Mondays from 6:30pm to 9:30pm via Zoom.